Operation Backlog Completion 2024
Feb 272015

Good news, everyone! I’m going to be involved in the creation of a video game (note: this has nothing to do with my ChoiceScript game, which is a separate project). I’ve joined Ninja Vault, an indie team working on an action RPG/point-and-click adventure game called Parachronism: Order of Chaos.


Parachronism is about a girl sent back through time, and the chaos that ensues (time travel can be a tricky business). I can’t say much else about it right now, but I’ll be working on the project as a proofreader and editor. Ninja Vault anticipates a release later this year, so stay tuned!

That’s my good news for you.

In sad news, the world lost Leonard Nimoy today. I’m crushed, especially since Spock was always my favorite Star Trek character. I almost dedicated this blog post just to him, but I felt too unhappy every time I tried to start. πŸ™

Live long and prosper, everyone.

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  5 Responses to “I’m Now a Ninja Vault Editor”

  1. So can you be a proofreader and editor for our future games too?

  2. […] those of you who weren’t following my blog way back in 2015, Parachronism: Order of Chaos was the first video game project I was hired to work […]

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