Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Feb 012016

Tales-of-Symphonia-SteamI intended to talk about the latest Final Fantasy XV news today, but we have something even more exciting to discuss! Tales of Symphonia will be available on Steam in just a few hours!

At the time I’m writing this, the Steam page lists 7 hours until the game comes out.

The PC version is basically the same as the PS3 version, which I played, so it has additional content that wasn’t in the original Gamecube version (including more story details).

Tales of Symphonia quickly became one of my favorite games ever after I played it last year. I even cosplayed one of its characters. I still think about it regularly.

Symphonia is the second game in the series to be released for Steam. If it does well, maybe we’ll see even more Tales games on PC… maybe even some of the older games that are now rare and hard to find! (Or maybe my dream of a Symphonia prequel will finally come true.)

If you’re on the fence, check out my review or ask me questions in the comments. I’d love to answer any Tales of Symphonia questions you have!

Update: As excited as I was for it, I can’t honestly recommend the Symphonia PC port in its current state. It’s basically a disaster.

A hilarious disaster in some ways…

…but still a disaster.

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