Tales of the Rays, the mobile Tales game that actually looks like a Tales game, is now available in the West for iOS and Android devices.
I got it, although since it’s one of those games that requires an Internet connection to play, I haven’t gotten very far yet. However, so far it seems interesting.
A lot of fans wondered how the typical Tales combat system would work with a touchscreen, and Tales of the Rays uses a simplified system that lets you attack using taps and swipes.
It’s too early for me to judge the plot, but there definitely is an original story here. It seems as though the main characters, Ix and Mileena, will be visiting other worlds where past Tales characters live.
My track record with ongoing mobile games isn’t great. I quit Tales of Link, only played a little bit of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, and recently stopped playing even Kingdom Hearts Unchained χ, because I got tired of all the filler. But who knows! Maybe Tales of the Rays will be the one that holds my attention.
And a Tales of Zestiria event starts tomorrow in Tales of the Rays. Maybe I’ll be ready in time to participate in that.
Have you started Tales of the Rays? If so, what do you think of it so far?