As of yesterday, the contest winners for this year’s Celebrating All Things Spooky contest have been notified. Moombit came in first place with 18 points, followed by Ludwig Von Koopa in second place with 15 points.
Thank you to everyone who participated.
Moving on, Destiny Chronicles ultimately fell short of its Kickstarter goal. However, we intend to relaunch the campaign in the future, once we have additional content and more polished gameplay footage to show you.
If you want to be notified about future Destiny Chronicles updates, you can sign up for the mailing list at the official website.
Alternately, you can also support the new Patreon for Visualnoveler to get regular insights into the development process.
In the meantime, we have a new called Chaos Souls due out on November 7. Chaos Souls is a side-scrolling action game that puts you up against monsters and demons as you fight to save your kidnapped sister.
(Note: there is some fanservice, but no adult content.)
Funds from Chaos Souls will also go toward improving Destiny Chronicles.
Do you have any questions about Destiny Chronicles, Chaos Souls, or related topics? Let me know in the comments below. (And you can look forward to my Persona 5 review next week!)
Thank you so much again. <3
Aww..I'm so sorry to hear you didn't meet the goal. I hope the re-launch will get you there, the game looks fantastic. I'm not a fan of fan service, but Chaos Souls looks good too.
You’re welcome, thank you again for participating!
I hope the re-launch goes well, too. 🙂 And thanks. Chaos Souls isn’t too fanservice-y, just with a few suggestive CGs like you can see in the trailer.