Operation Backlog Completion 2024
Jun 122016

I’m not a huge Bethesda fan, but last year’s E3 show has some great moments, like the Dishonored 2 reveal. Let’s see what they have in store for us at E3 2016…

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Bethesda’s E3 2016 Press Conference

Bethesda’s press conference didn’t begin quite when it was scheduled. Instead, it began about 17 minutes later. After that late start, however, it kicked off with Quake Champions.

I’m not a Quake fan, but I know it’s a huge announcement.

Then, after recapping their releases from the past year, they discussed Elder Scrolls Legends, the upcoming card strategy game set in the Elder Scrolls universe. After that, they moved on to upcoming Fallout 4 DLC and updates to the mobile game Fallout Shelter.

Plus, Skyrim is being remastered.

After the Skyrim announcement, a new game was shown… and this one looks pretty interesting.

Horror? Experiments? Psychology? Aliens?

I like it!

Apparently Prey is a reboot of the 2006 game Prey. I never played it (or knew what it was), but this is one I definitely want to keep my eye on.

For me, that was the high point of conference. From there it was Doom DLC and Snapmap updates, along with a free demo available for the next week, new additions to The Elder Scrolls Online, virtual reality, and a large focus on Dishonored 2.

Dishonored 2 still looks really cool to me, and I might play the first one before this one comes out in November. November 11, to be precise. Preorders of the Collector’s Edition include a free copy of the first game’s Definitive Edition.

And that was that.

I enjoyed it more than EA’s trailer, but it still didn’t thrill me. Tomorrow, though, we have even more press conferences to look forward to!

What was your favorite part of Bethesda’s E3 2016 press conference?

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  One Response to “E3 2016 Part 2: Bethesda’s Surprises”

  1. The most surprising thing for us might be Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb still existing.

    I didn’t care much about anything they actually showed.

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