Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Jun 102018

Table of Contents

Devolver Digital
Square Enix
Limited Run Games
PC Gaming
Nintendo Treehouse & Miscellaneous Announcements

Devolver’s E3 2018 Press Conference

Last year, Devolver had an unusual press conference. Those of us who tuned in expecting a real conference didn’t know what we were watching for a while.

This time, I was prepared.

It started out with as much insane commentary on the gaming industry as expected, and this time I enjoyed the ride as they parodied the battle royale craze, loot boxes and cryptocurrencies, and more.

They also worked in a few game announcements.

First, they talked about Scum, an open world survival game currently in Early Access.

Next, they showed off My Friend Pedro, a violent game that apparently features a sentient banana, which is coming to both the PC and Switch.

Finally, they revealed the game they teased earlier this week that I was really hoping to see, Metal Wolf Chaos XD. Metal Wolf Chaos was a third-person shooter developed by FromSoftware for the Xbox, but it was never released outside of Japan despite over-the-top American themes. When I first heard about it, I thought it sounded so ridiculously fun I wished I could play it, and now it’s coming to the PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

They’re using the hashtag #MechAmericaGreatAgain (and URL, probably, although it won’t load for me) because of course they are.

My hopes were fulfilled! I tuned in to Devolver Digital’s conference hoping for a crazy presentation and Metal Wolf Chaos, and I got my wish!

We’ve got a big day of press conferences tomorrow and hopefully many more exciting game announcements.

  One Response to “E3 2018 Part 4: Devolver Digital’s Insanity Returns!”

  1. […] remaster of FromSoftware’s too-American-for-America shooter finally announced for the west last E3, you’re in […]

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