Table of Contents
Devolver Digital
Square Enix
Limited Run Games
PC Gaming
Nintendo Treehouse & Miscellaneous Announcements
LRG’s E3 2018 Press Conference
I’ve picked up some games from Limited Run Games, but they seemed like an odd choice for an E3 press conference. Still, I was intrigued going into it.
It started out… oddly. I’m not sure what vibe they were going for. That weird feeling persisted throughout the entire conference, from the fake audience to the screen showing musical instruments.
But what about the announcements?
As they’ve hinted for a while, they’re bringing out a physical copy of Golf Story for the Switch.
They also announced physical copies of Iconoclasts, Observer, Layers of Fear, Thumper, The House in Fata Morgana, 2064: Read Only Memories, VA-11 HALL-A, and Senran Kagura: Bon Appétit!
From there, they revealed that the physical copy of Oceanhorn on the Switch, which they are distributing, can be pre-ordered for the next month.
Cosmic Star Heroine is coming to the Switch, which is exciting news (although a bit rough, since it wasn’t too long ago the physical PS4/Vita copies went on sale).
They moved on to Night Trap, and then news I’ve been hoping for: a physical copy of Yooka-Laylee for the Switch! Since I didn’t buy it yet, I’ll probably get this version.
From there, they announced physical copies of Spelunky, Exile’s End, Phantom Breaker: Battlegrounds Overdrive, Salt & Sanctuary, and Dust: An Elysian Tail, which I more or less enjoyed.
Their final announcement was Double Switch: 25th Anniversary Edition, which apparently is a new release of an old Sega CD game.
This was an odd press conference, but I did like some of the announcements. I’ll get some of these physical copies for sure.
Limited Run Games ended with just enough time for me to eat before catching Ubisoft’s press conference!
Ubisoft’s E3 2018 Press Conference
I tuned in slightly late and found myself confronted with a dancing panda. After wondering what in the world I was looking at, it turned out to be an announcement for Just Dance 2019.
Next, they showed Beyond Good & Evil 2. I wasn’t thrilled with it last year, and I’m still not sold on it, but this new trailer was a lot more interesting. After the reveal at the end, I wondered if it really was a prequel after all, but it apparently still is… somehow.
The Rainbow Six Siege devs discussed the community and upcoming tournaments, and then an awkward intro led into Trials Rising.
There was a new trailer for The Division 2, as well as the announcement of Raids.
Next up, another concert, but this one was based on the Donkey Kong DLC for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. I’ve been lucky with concerts this year.
Skull & Bones still looks cool, but the shared world doesn’t really excite me.
Transference looks creepy and weird. It looks like it isn’t VR-only anymore, either, so I might get it.
Starlink: Battle for Atlas returned with a huge surprise, the Switch version will have exclusive Star Fox content.
For Honor will be free from Uplay this week, and there’s an upcoming addition called For Honor: Marching Fire that adds a castle siege mode, among other things.
Racing followed with The Crew 2, and then when the next trailer started, I wasn’t sure what it was for a while.
At first it looked like Assassin’s Creed… but after I saw a lot of direct combat instead of stealth and assassinations, I figured it wasn’t… but it was! Assassin’s Creed is set in Ancient Greece, and it looks really cool. This is the first time I’ve been this interested in an Assassin’s Creed announcement, possibly because it appears to be a lot more RPG-like.
Here’s the gameplay they showed:
I’m actually pretty interested. (Really, though, was any of that assassin-like?)
Last year, Ubisoft surprised me with a conference I enjoyed, and this year they did the same. I may not be interested in all the games, but it was an enjoyable press conference.
Two more to go tonight: PC Gaming and Sony! As we wait for more, share your thoughts on Limited Run Games and Ubisoft’s E3 press conferences.