Operation Backlog Completion 2025
Jun 102018

Table of Contents

Devolver Digital
Square Enix
Limited Run Games
PC Gaming
Nintendo Treehouse & Miscellaneous Announcements

Bethesda’s E3 2018 Press Conference

Bethesda is a big company, but I actually don’t play a lot of their games. Still, I’ve enjoyed some of their press conferences in the past. The Dishonored 2 trailers stand out as particularly cool.

Here we go!

There are always some leaks ahead of E3, and Bethesda referenced the Rage 2 leak by making a joke about it, which I enjoyed. Then… they had a brief concert? It was more my style of music than a lot of the typical E3 concerts, though, so I didn’t mind as much.

They showed Rage 2 gameplay next, although it’s not a game that particularly interests me.

They talked about Elder Scrolls Legends (which was also announced for Switch/PS4/Xbox) and then Elder Scrolls Online. I’m not a big MMORPG player, but I have to admit it was a cool trailer.

A new Doom game is coming called Doom Eternal. (Halo Infinite, Doom Eternal, where are these names coming from?)

Then they moved on to talk about Quake Champions, which players will be able to play for free this week.

I almost forgot Prey was a Bethesda game, but the Prey devs came out to talk about the new modes and content available in the new update, including the Prey: Mooncrash DLC (available now) and another new mode coming this summer. There was some oddball humor, but it wasn’t too bad.

Wolfenstein was next, with the announcement of Wolfenstein Youngblood, which stars the protagonist’s twin daughters and features optional co-op. (Unfortunately, all I can think of when I see the title is Linkara’s reviews of the Youngblood comics.)

VR is also big. VR is coming to the next Prey mode, and there is also a VR Wolfenstein game coming up called Wolfenstein Cyberpilot.

The humorous section next was hit-or-miss, but I enjoyed the “trailer” parodying how Skyrim is available on everything.

Update: Despite my assumption that it was a joke, the Skyrim Very Special Edition is real and free to enable for Alexa.

Then they moved on to Fallout 76, which of course is a huge game for them. It’s also… entirely online. It sounds like they’re trying to go for something different than the typical MMORPG, but it’s still not really my sort of thing.

(Fallout fans, how do you feel about this?)

There will also be a beta test, along with some more jokes about that.

Fallout Shelter is out on the PS4 and Switch tonight. I know the PS4 version was leaked, but I don’t think the Switch version was.

Next, they announced a new mobile game called The Elder Scrolls: Blades, which is basically a regular Elder Scrolls game, except for mobile devices… and eventually everything else, from what they said.

What do you think, Elder Scrolls fans?

After that, they announced that they’re working on an all-new single-player game in a new franchise: Starfield. The teaser trailer was short, but I’m intrigued.

Finally, they closed with a tiny teaser for The Elder Scrolls VI.

It was a good press conference. Not a lot of games I’m interested in personally, but it was entertaining and had some good trailers.

Next up, let’s see if Devolver Digital trolls us again or has a legitimate conference!

  7 Responses to “E3 2018 Part 3: Bethesda’s New Games (and Numerous Jokes)”

  1. “Then… they had a brief concert? It was more my style of music than a lot of the typical E3 concerts, though, so I didn’t mind as much.”

    So you’re all cute church go-er into songs about DEATH and DYING and KILLING and RAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWR SCREAM, eh?

  2. […] well as bootleg games, by announcing “Devolver Bootleg.” I came very close to repeating last year’s mistake in which I blogged about Bethesda’s “Skyrim Very Special Edition” joke before […]

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